
From Negativity to Positivity

In the recent weeks I have been training my mind to come from a place of positivity despite any negative internal chatter. I was inspired by a poignant quote by the prolific Rumi who said, “Live life as though everything is rigged in our favor.”

In order to internalize Rumi’s sentiments I have written in it in my agenda, which I see daily as well as often repeat it when I feel myself go to a place of anxiety or fear. Each day I practice saying this quote, I begin to notice omnipresent beauty and positivity in my life. It’s as if the Universe is reflecting the positive energy I am trying to radiate. 

I challenge you to write  “Live Life As Though Everything is Rigged in Our Favor” where you will see it and be reminded of it’s power every single day.

Use it as a tool to combat fear or negative thoughts. Humans are simply bundles of vibrational energy and as the “Law of Attraction” states: like attracts like ...hence positive thoughts attract positivity. Think of your body as a vehicle which your mind is the driver --- you decide what direction you are going...once you get that ...your life will seem to flow. 



Why Are Women So Self-Deprecating?

Lately, I have become increasingly aware of how self-critical women can be. Stereotypically, compared to men, women can do more “back stabbing” or be labeled as “catty,” but I think as a gender our bigger battle is that we stab ourselves.

Disclaimer—I am generally speaking here but it appears some women have a habit of downplaying accomplishments and attributing success to luck or being #blessed. We rarely confidently say,

“I earned this” or “My boss is lucky to have me on his/her team.”

The same holds true for body image. Women can go right to- 

“I feel so fat…I can’t wear a bathing suit until I loose a few more pounds.”

We shame ourselves-

“Why did I drink that third glass of wine?” “Why did I ….”

Instead of embracing who we are at that given moment and not pining to be something else.

These are not just my observations as a bystander, these thoughts occur in my head too.

Another situational example highlighting the difference in female versus male self-perception is the job interview. A woman attends completely prepared, punctual and ready to seize the job. After the interview (despite rocking it) she questions her performance and self-doubt looms in. A man can attend the same interview, be less prepared and leave assuming he will be hired and that the interviewee would be lucky to have him.

What if women adopted a new sense of purpose, confidence and a shame free mindset? What if you drank a little too much or maybe were not as prepared for something but instead of the shame and guilt you went with it.

“I had such a fun evening, and I indulged and it was worth it.” “I did my best on that interview and I feel confident about it.”

Becoming aware of my tendency to go right to self-judgement and listening to friends (who I admire) share some of their inner thoughts has helped to re-train my mindset.

I dedicate this post to all the women out there who inspire me daily with their honesty and authenticity!

Let Us Be Our Biggest Advocates Not Our Harshest Critics.

